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If you see a photo of yourself that you would like removed on any of these pages, write me and let me know.


Aviation, Military and Government Authorware Conference
May 2004 - Gulfport, Mississippi


EuroTAAC Authorware Conference 2005
April 2005 - Blackpool, England

EuroTAAC Authorware Conference 2004
March 2004 - Edinburgh, Scotland

EuroTAAC Authorware Conference 2003
March 2003 - Friedrichshafen, Germany

EuroTAAC Authorware Conference 2002
March 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland


The Alternative Authorware Conference 11
September 2006 - Charlotte, NC

The Alternative Authorware Conference 10
October 2005 - Charlotte, NC

The Alternative Authorware Conference 9
October 2004 - Las Vegas, Nevada

The Alternative Authorware Conference 8
October 2003 - Las Vegas, Nevada

The Alternative Authorware Conference 7
September 2002 - Atlanta, Georgia

The Alternative Authorware Conference 6
September 2001 - Orlando, Florida


Texas Authorware Workshop 2
June 2002 - Dallas, Texas

Texas Authorware Workshop 1
July 2001 - Dallas, Texas


Teaching at the Federal Aviation Administration
August 27 - 31, 2001 and September 10 - 14, 2001
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Teaching Advanced Authorware Scripting
July 17 - 20, 2001 - Herndon, Virginia

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