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B8005 - How can I ensure that the date the end user has entered is valid?

by - Joseph Ganci

For example, 02-29-2000 exists but 02-29-1999 doesn't or 01-31-2000 exists but 02-31-2000 doesn't. How can I be sure they enter a correct date?

The following script will do the trick. This assumes the month is first, then the day, then the year. If you want to check a different order, change the numbers in the GetNumber calls below.

  mydate := "2-28-1999"
  mymonth := ABS(GetNumber(1, mydate))
  myday := ABS(GetNumber(2, mydate))
  myyear := ABS(GetNumber(3, mydate))
  number := DateToNum(myday, mymonth, myyear)
  newdate := Date(number)
  bad date := (myday <> Day(number) | mymonth <> Month(number) | myyear <> Year(number))

If the value of the variable bad date is TRUE (or 1), then the date entered was bad and you can alert the user to try again.

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