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C2001 - Why are my Xtras not working in packaged mode?

by - Joseph Ganci

I was wondering if you would have an idea on how to solve it. I am using Authorware 3.5 now, and when I try to package a file, the packaged version does not display the transition effects.  The error message I'm receiving is: 

"The transition Xtra ("...[description of transition]...") specified by this icon is not available." 

Do you know how I can get around this?

Yes, this is explained well in the manual.  You need to copy the Xtras folder into the folder in which your application is running.  In other words, the Xtras must be within a folder called Xtras and the Xtras folder on the same level as your application.  You only need to include the Xtras you are actually using.  Including more Xtras then you need will slow down the startup of your packaged file.

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